HTML: The Essentials

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HTML: The Essentials

What I Learned today:

1. HTML is a markup language, not a programming language. It creates a template or structure for your website and taking that as a basis we can further develop our site.

2. Paragraph elements are used to create several sections in our HTML document it is a block-level element with an opening and a closing tag

3. HTML Headings, as you can tell by its name are used for making headings for an article. There are 6 levels of headings in HTML going from h1 to h6, h1 being with the largest font size or text size to h6 being the smallest, but nowadays they are rarely used, most of the work is done with the help of a wizard known as CSS. TIP: Use h1 only once on your page

4. HTML LIST Elements, these elements are used to create lists in your HTML document mainly of two types namely ordered and unordered abbreviated as OL and UL respectively OL uses numeral types to list items and UL uses bullets or symbols for items listing

5. Anchor Tag, is used for creating a link that further links you to your desired webpage or destination by specifying the path in href attribute of the anchor tag.

6. HTML Images, surprise surprise they are used to deal with the images in your HTML document and they don't require a closing, tag we can use images either from the net or images from our storage, we provide image path in src attribute of image element.

7. MDN, a very useful resource for every WebDeveloper out there is a site that documents all the things you are ever gonna use in your journey of being a WebDeveloper, So do check it out.

8. Chrome Inspector, a very useful utility to debug your program you can access it on your chrome browser on any page just right-click and select inspect.

That's what I learned today as I am preparing for Entrance Exam there is not much that I could learn but I am trying my best to learn What I can. Peace..

Stay Tuned...