HTML and Semantics

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Hey everyone how is it going so today I further explored more in WebDev and learned certain things here are my insights on the same:

1. What HTML5 actually is, Well by seeing a number next to the HTML you probably think that it is some update to HTML that you can install on your machine and voila, no that is not definitely the case HTML5 is broader version of the previous HTML that includes some more wider technologies to make our website more powerful, well that's all I could understand about it

2. Block and Inline Elements:

Block elements occupy a particular section of your site like a paragraph and the most appropriate example of that would be <div>

Inline elements can be used everywhere in <body> be it in paragraphs, lists and it doesn't require a whole section a suitable example would be <span>

3. HR and BR

HR is used to scale a horizontal line below where you used it

BR allows you to break whatever is in the flow example you want to jump to next line in your article

4. sup and sub

sup refers to superscript and it allows you to raise a character from line of action like power in x²

sub refers to subscript and it allows you to bottom shift the character from line of action like 2 in x₂

5. Semantics:

It is a very good practice to use sematics in HTML for example rather than using <div> try using other things that makes more sense for you or others to understand the structure of your site more easily for example use <header>, <footer>, <nav>, etc.

So that's the conclusion of my today's learning, Peace...

Stay Tuned