Hey folks, Shiv here and it's going to be the first informative blog that I am writing:
So in the previous blog, I wrote about how I am going to share my learning on web development So here are my insights on what I learned today:-
1. What is the Internet?
Well to keep it short Internet is the connection of connections or it is like a web that connects several devices that share information with each other
2. Web
So from what I learn about the web is that it is a place where documents and other resources are available for us
We can use these resources by making a request using a protocol known as HTTP.
3. Server and Client
The server is a kind of main database where a request to access things is sent by the user and it responds back
The client is a user or a company that makes requests to the server
4. Request/Response Cycle
Let's take an example to understand What this cycle really is:
Suppose you search for something on google so that something is the kind of request you make. This request is made using HTTP
Now based on that request, the google server will give you a code or a package that contains HTML, CSS, JS, and your browser then assemble it to display the webpage you are looking for
5. FrontEnd and BackEnd
Frontend as the name suggests deals with the appearance of the webpage let's take this blog, for example, everything you can see or read in it is kind of frontend and it can be considered as UI and in laymen's terms graphics of some sort
Backend is everything that goes into working that is not visible to you for example ever wondered how your login data is remembered by the servers you log in to Let's take hashnode for example everything from your profile data to the person you follow or how your feed will look like and saving a draft and posting it on a later date is all in backend
So that concludes my blog for today On An Intro to the Web
End Note: Don't take everything for granted as I mentioned that I am also new to web development and trying to learn things. Peace...
Stay Tuned...